Free e-Books for Teachers
As educators, we’re always looking for free and low cost resources for great content. Many of you may be considering buying an e-reader, or may already have a Kindle, Nook, iPad or other e-book device. (Even the iPhone can be used to read books either through the iBooks, Nook or Kindle App.) But as nifty and convenient as these devices can be, it can still be costly to fill them with great content.
There’s a solution, besides downloading free previews or excerpts of books on the Kindle or iBooks app, to let you know of great free and low cost content for your Kindle-compatible device. There’s a great website called Pixel of Ink that posts daily links to free and low-cost Kindle books. I subscribe to this site, and get the updates sent to me by email daily, letting me know which books are currently available for free or minimal cost. While many of the books are fiction, I recently downloaded a European Travel Guide, which I’m looking forward to using on a trip later this summer.
Today, Pixel of Ink has links to 55 free Kindle Books for education from Vook, a company that has been producing mixed media books, incorporating video as well as text into these “360 degree” ebooks. (Vook also has apps in the iTunes store, and is compatible with iBooks, Nook and the Kindle, so it’s a win across the board!) The list includes textbooks, exam preparation books, macroeconomics, foreclosure law and more. (When I went to the link on Amazon, I saw most of the books were actually priced in the $1.99 range and weren’t still free. But this is still extremely cheap!)
Amazon is also featuring “Sunshine Deals” with over 600 titles for Kindle ranging from $0.99 to $2.99 through June 15th. Time to take advantage for summer reading!
Full disclosure:
While I do have an Amazon Affiliate store over at and we will be incorporating one for recommended books mentioned here at, this post itself is not sponsored by and we don’t receive any revenue if you end up purchasing any e-books through these links.